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Watch Bands
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Police watches

POLICE is a rebellious Italian lifestyle brand with a large range of fashion accessories including watches. POLICE watches have a a tough and modern rock star vibe. Our Police collection shows all the hallmarks that made the brand so popular; Practical oversized digital wathes and striking fashion watches with unusual shapes, decorated dials and studded leather straps.

Popular search terms: My Avatar.


Police watches for men 

The collection of watch brand Police largely consists of sturdy men's watches. From oversized watches with multiple time zones to digital watches and the famous Police skull watches. Whichever type of Police watch you choose, each copy is a real statement piece that you cannot ignore. 

Special and limited editions

Police regularly releases special or limited edition watches, such as the watch based on the superhero Batman. 

hollandwatchgroup.com official Police watch dealer

hollandwatchgroup.com is an official Police watch dealer. This means that you can contact us not only for Police watches, but also for repairs under warranty, battery replacement and Police watch bands.

Police skull watch
Police skull watch
Police rotorcrom watch
Police Rotorcrom watch
Police Batman watch
Police Batman watch